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Categorical imperative in a sentence

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Sentence count:21Posted:2017-11-19Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: categoricalcategoricallycategorizationcategorisationcategorisecategorialcategorizeimperativeMeaning: n. the moral principle that behavior should be determined by duty. 
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1. Perhaps the exemplar of this surrealist categorical imperative was Antonin Artaud.
2. But how can I know what the categorical imperatives binding on me are?
3. Murder violates the categorical imperative.
4. There is, therefore, only one categorical imperative.
5. Kant's categorical imperative procedure, Adam Smith's impartial spectator, and Rousseau's general will are primary examples of representations of a moral point of view.
6. To resolve this ambiguity, Lacan insists that the categorical imperative is not obscene superego, it is correlative to non-pathological desire.
7. Kant gives three versions of the categorical imperative. How would you distinguish the first two? Why does Kant believe that they come down to the same thing?
8. For example,[] Kant's categorical imperative is envisioned as a point of view any reasonable person can adopt in deliberating about what he/she ought morally to do (CP 498ff).
9. Good will, categorical imperative and will self - discipline construct the main contents of Kantian ethics.
10. Kant's categorical imperative and the Golden Rule address the situation.
11. Explain the categorical imperative. What is the meaning of categorical?
12. In essence, this categorical imperative is an expression of the oft-heard moral remonstration: ‘what if everybody did that?
13. Unlike Kant's categorical imperative procedure, the original position is designed to represent the predominantly social bases of justice.
14. Is that consistent with the categorical imperative,[] that false promise?
15. The first thing to realize is that it must consist in categorical imperatives, which are to be distinguished from hypothetical imperatives.
16. To pass unscathed into the inner sanctum of the wave is the categorical imperative of surfing.
17. One emphasis of Kant's deontological ethics is his insistence on the universal validity of categorical imperative.
18. For Kant the Christian could have faith in God, and this faith would be consonant with reason and the categorical imperative.
19. According to Kant's Ethics, original position, which is based on people's free will, moral autonomy and categorical imperative, is a programmed interpretation of justice principle.
20. Well, this leaves us one big question: what is the categorical imperative?
21. If now it is found that this rule is practically right, then it is a law, because it is a categorical imperative.
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